香港經濟日報 A16 | 中國要聞 | 國情知聞 | By 高青 2012-01-31
釣島再起波瀾 京慎防美插手 高青
日擴「專屬經濟區」 美撑腰
美日聯手制華 司馬昭之心
北京低調回應 留交涉空間
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時下中國國內談論中美新冷戰成為時髦,但在概念上的混亂令人瞠目。多數論者相信“中美新冷戰不可能爆發”,這觀點犯了一個基本概念的錯誤,好像冷戰是“突發事件”而不是緩慢的互動過程。中國國際關係界有個糊塗信條,即“中美關係好也好不到哪裡去,壞也壞不到哪裡去”,並以此為據,不相信中美新冷戰將會到來。其實,承認“不戰不和” 局面存在的本身就包含了冷戰思維的要素。
所以,談論冷戰是否會“爆發”是誤導,把它同熱戰相混淆。其實冷戰是某種歷史條件下的必然現象。在爭鬥雙方的分歧,特別是意識形態分歧,暫時無法彌合的時期,它是保持和平的一個有效手段,並不一定是戰爭前奏。同時,冷戰也是個不斷變化的過程而不是固定不變的狀態。由於雙方缺乏基本的戰略互信,為了避免全面衝突升級,建立危機管控機制是必要的。習近平最近提出“管控”而不是“化解”中美分歧即是基於對中美關係的新現實。所以我們沒必要對它“談虎色變”。美蘇冷戰之外,歷史上冷戰的例子還很多,比如西羅馬帝國與拜占庭的關係,17-18世紀英法為了控制北美洲的競爭,19世紀英俄在中亞的“大棋局”(the Great Game),還有1953年以後的南北韓,1949年以後的台海關係等等。儘管有時出現緊張局勢,熱和平還是維持了下來。
發動冷戰的動機各有不同。在兩大對手勢均力敵的狀態下,為了維持和平,雙方往往不惜提高衝突的熱度,創造一個超穩(super-balance),即建立在相互威懾基礎上的戰略平衡。但在兩個實力不對稱的狀態下,強大的一方發起冷戰的目的往往是防禦性的,目的是阻滯對手進一步強大,同時減緩自身的相對衰落進程。但在這個過程中,占主導地位的強國會對雙方實力消長的任何細微變化高度敏感,甚至會採取一些過激的錯誤措施。這就是歷史學家常說的“後帝國時間差綜合征”。這個階段也稱帝國的“病理性衰落(morbid decline)”階段,即相對衰落和絕對衰落之間的過渡。可以說,當下的美國正處於這樣一個困難階段。因此,當世界體系在整體轉型時,一超獨強的霸主對想像中的競爭對手發動冷戰是難以避免的。
冷戰環境也能提供特殊的戰略機遇,從中國應對政策的層面來講,問題不在於對美的咄咄逼人採取回避態度還是強硬對峙。其實,兩者並不是對立關係。在冷戰的新遊戲規則下,避實就虛,軟硬兼施是最有效的手段。冷戰說到底,是對世界輿論的道德制高點的爭奪。比如說,中國經濟力量大發展的條件下,軍事實力不發展是不現實的。從歷史上看,如果冷戰一方主要依靠軍事實力來佔據道德制高點,那麼另一方在軍事實力上爭取對等地位(military parity)也就無可非議。所以美國發動的新冷戰反而為中國排除“軍事透明度”指控的長期困擾提供了契機,從而可以公開地加速軍備發展。美方既要搞新冷戰,又不願意公開承認,所以“缺乏軍事透明度”的皮球完全可以踢還給美國,因為中國已成為美國缺乏軍事透明度的受害者。
也許美國的亞洲新冷戰只是曇花一現。一旦失敗,中國的國際聲望將更上一層樓。中國應對的方法應當是“拖字訣”,一方面大力發展軍備, 一方面不輕舉妄動。新冷戰迫使中國在世界舞臺上亮相,中國不得不走出“韜光養晦”的戰略束縛,既要有“鋒芒畢露”, 也要有理,有利,有節的大外交,關鍵還是爭取世界輿論的支持。
SCMP 16 Dec 2011
Lanxin Xiang applauds Beijing's hard-nosed approach to bilateral relations in response to US containment, and believes China could emerge the winner in public opinion at the end of this cold war redux
Chinese leaders have finally realised that they are facing a new cold war. Over the past few months, Washington has put together a "containment" package in Asia that includes a new military doctrine of air-sea battle, a new economic game changer in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and the rotation of US marines in Australia. For years, mainstream Chinese analysts have refused to see this coming. Now, President Hu Jintao has publicly called on the navy to "prepare for future military struggle".
More interestingly, Vice-President and heir apparent Xi Jinping has begun to use different terminology. Instead of the vague language of "building strategic trust", Xi acknowledges the perhaps irreconcilable differences between the two countries. The old official approach was to "smooth over" differences, a delaying tactic; the new catchphrase is to "control and manage" the differences.
This is no ordinary change of tone; it is a timely response to the dangerous policy pursued by the Americans. Gone are the days of strategic ambiguity on both sides, and the new leadership under Xi has set a realistic framework for future bilateral ties. The "control and manage" approach may imply at least two things: first, the realisation that conflict with the US can no longer be avoided within the existing framework of engagement; second, the focus will shift towards maintaining a true strategic balance, however precarious, for the single purpose of avoiding a fully fledged confrontation.
There is little doubt that Washington is in the mood for a new cold war. Its China policy is on the cusp of an "NSC-68 moment". The "National Security Council Report 68", issued shortly before the Korean war, was the key US government document that changed the direction of the cold war from Europe to Asia.
Americans love any concept that reflects a game-changing sentiment, such as the "pivot towards Asia". Will this development bode ill for today's most crucial bilateral relationship? At first glance, it certainly seems so. As neither side is using even veiled language to cover their clash in world views on regional and global governance, the stakes and solutions will become obvious. The US is building a military containment scheme in Asia, while the Chinese national interest will not be dictated by outsiders ganging up on China. The relationship could progressively worsen in a vicious cycle, as happened between the Soviet Union and the US during the early stages of the cold war.
But, ending strategic ambiguity has its merits, as the contours of Sino-US competition in the region will become more predictable. For example, Washington has a penchant for advertising new military weapons or doctrines to deter rivals. But this will lose its intended effect as it may automatically trigger an arms race on the Chinese side, and China could then justify its continued military modernisation.
In this way, Chinese military transparency - a key but until now unobtainable US objective - may be achieved by China's predictable countermeasures vis-a-vis the Pentagon. Beijing will have less need to avoid the publicity of its aircraft carriers and anti-ship weapons systems. In other words, China's strategic confidence will increase and its military policy will become more transparent.
Paradoxically, a US-initiated cold war could become a game-changing opportunity for China to swing world public opinion. First of all, the Chinese support mainstream opposition to hegemony in global politics. And as the magic formula of "democracy equals prosperity (SEHK: 0803, announcements, news) " loses validity, the Chinese road to economic development will become more appealing. America's new cold war to hinder China's modernisation won't then garner much sympathy in the developing world, which will see it as a desperate move by the US to rescue its status as the world's "only indispensible superpower".
Moreover, there is a difference between the new and original cold wars. The Soviets never really engaged the US in an economic cold war. Today, "the only indispensible superpower" is also a super-indebted power, and its biggest creditor happens to be its presumed chief strategic rival. Thus, the new cold war strategy is flawed. Is it logical and workable to encircle your own banker militarily? Or, as many Chinese begin to wonder, is it designed to start a military incident to find an excuse to default on the debt? If a cold war is primarily about who gains the upper hand in a moral debate, Washington may not win this time.
More importantly, America's "pivot towards Asia" depends on its partners, the "Asia-Pacific coalition of the willing". This coalition is in fact fragile and consists of a group of states whose governments are facing major political troubles at home. From Washington to Tokyo, Manila to Canberra, it is their collective internal weakness that creates an ad hoc common identity that binds them to face an uncertain challenge from China.
China is unique in having a non-democratic system that remains an economic dynamo and enjoys a relatively strong state. It has its own problems, and a social implosion is possible. But that will be the result of internal factors, such as the income gap and official corruption. The Chinese system will not collapse under mere foreign pressure.
Ironically, even though China feels isolated in this absurd cold war, time is on its side. Thus, the Chinese leadership should continue to refrain from hasty action, such as a military clash over the South China Sea.
No one knows how long a US-led cold war in Asia is to last. But even the American political system can no longer deal with what Richard Hofstadter called the "the moral shock of our nascent imperialism". Xi Jinping is well known for his toughness with soft manners, and the "control and manage" approach fits his character well. In the long run, this may prove more effective in engaging Washington. If the new cold war turns out to be short-lived, China's moral image will have been elevated a great deal.
Lanxin Xiang is professor of international history and politics at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva