2012年8月3日 星期五

Olympics, China Bashers & Self-hate Chinese--不要相信懲罰「很亞洲」的運動員「消極作賽」是公平執法

 【批註:「避敵」做法在世界杯裏尤其明顯!西德這樣做,被世界引為佳話、戰略學上的典範。同是今屆奧運會,日本女子足球隊也「消極作賽」,卻不被挑出來受罰!!http://news.hexun.com/2012-08-02/144273705.html?from=rss 「公平」為何只對亞洲國家執行(日本,於「政治」上不認同自己是「亞洲國」;日本是歐美忠實盟友)。以下是《紐約時報》指出的問題:
外媒最新說法:葉詩文沒有吃藥,但,是個機因改造人!!不要做Self-hate Chinese 
Thu, 2 Aug 2012 14:01:54 -0400
Olympics, China Bashers & Self-hate Chinese
Howard got this one absolutely right:
" The most famous case was the 1954 world cup soccer.  Hungary was invincible, winning everything for years.  In the group round robin, W Germany, in the same group, threw its match against the Hungarians to disarm them.  Then in the final when the two teams met again, German played seriously and beat the Hungarians. It was hailed forever as the greatest tactical loss-win in sports history. "
"Where can you find an idiot who wants to NOT win gold, and instead just compete for fun.  Again, in group round robin World Cup Soccer, every team knows to avoid the favorites, Brazil, Spain and Germany.  If one of these 3 nails down the 2nd spot in their group, you can bet your house that the opponent group teams would not want to win the group and face them.  It's routinely done for decades.  The fault is entirely in the stupid system they devise.  The simplest thing is to make the draw AFTER each round, so no one know who the next opponent is going to be, instead of fixing the entire draw right at the start."

This morning I heard the Japanese soccer team was also implicated in tanking a soccer match but receiving no penalty.
I remember the strategy employed by the Germans against what was then the greatest team of the day Hungary. The scores of those two matches were 8-3 and 3-2.
The present brouhaha has to do with the media creating and recreating commercialized pastime about their favorite poster whipping boy China by digging up dirt, worse, insinuating, slandering and lying about Chinese athletes to discredit their success in the Olympics.
Absolutely and positively, a good deal of China bashing is rooted in white supremacists against the yellow horde.
When the Chinese woman swimmer won the 400m medley swim event, gweilos immediately spread the doping rumor. I missed this event on TV. But I finally watched Ye Shiwen in the 200 M medley event. This is what I observed. Her strongest suit is the free style and she kept all other swimmers within striking distance in the first 3 strokes/legs and then poured it all on in the last lap. A true champion! Of course she is beatable but not at her peak form in this competition. She actually trained with Lochte, the champion in several US Olympic swim events, in Florida.
Then what about all those sly remarks that she swam the last 50 meter split free style faster than Lochte? This is the most malicious Iago-esque calumny that only the most racist gweilos could dream up. There is no question that Shiwen would lose to Lochte every time in a head-to-head 200m or 400m medley event. But if Lochte tried to build up a big lead early in the first three legs against Shiwen in a real contest, then she could likely narrow Lochtes lead in the last 50m split, but not good enough to win. Its all that simple. Comprende?
I have had this funny suspicion now for at least two decades. One cannot complain about someone doping until he is caught. Just look at the size and muscle mass of these gweilo men and women swimmers. It is hard to believe such steroid-like wonders are all results of training. Compare the size of petite Ye Shiwen with these American girls. Could this undersized athlete be a freakish talent of nature, no different from Jeremy Lis short stature -- again only relative -- overnight becoming the sensation of New York Knicks fans? Of course we all know that doping doesnt help in basketball games.
If gweilos want to discredit Shiwens talent as contraband -- remember they also love to say Chinese including all you MIT guys are only good at learning by rote, the most likely suspect is the compound erythropoiten, a hormone that regulates the production of red blood cells. In exogenous form, Epogen is a drug administered to patients undergoing kidney dialysis. If you disbelieve this reasonable theory, you can always ask our resident physician and mutual friend Felix. Incidentally, please dont sidetrack with questions why other physicians classmates are all busy making money and no longer interested in correspondence.
Anyway, the burst in speed in the last leg of a competition suggests a superior aerobic capacity, which could be enhanced by Epogen shots. But science has now caught up with this kind of doping. Although one cant differentiate chemically between ones natural red blood cells and those induced by drugs, radioactive dating with carbon 14 could flag down this illegal doping practice common among cyclists in Tour de France.
So Ye Shiwen could not have used Epogen. Steroids and other human growth hormones are risky bets which could be easily detected by random tests. These Chinese haters have zilch. So they resort to malicious calumny.
Let us now digress to something that is closely related.
The other day I read an SCMP Op-Ed written by Michael Chugani【傳者按:禇簡寧印度裔美國籍長居香港。他有專欄批港式英語。而所嘲笑、批評的塑材,多有針對性地以建制派英文為主】. Mr. Chugani of ATV, a Hong Kong resident (also US citizen?), is usually very moderate in political tone. As a pundit and talking head, he is not free from medias self-brainwashing echo chamber. Perhaps he wants so badly believe in the democracy bullshit that he naively claims that self-hate Hong Kongers cheering Chinas success in space and other achievements as proof of good intent, and therefore legitimate, criticism of China. Indeed, he is widely off the mark.
His Western bias rationalizes those identifying themselves as either Chinese, or Hong Kong Chinese or democracy bananas are one and the same. From my perch, I see nothing from the latter except as knee-jerk nihilists. This group of so-called democrats will never, never partake in any success that is attached to a China name. They view other Hong Kongers believing in the future of a Greater China as no more than communists and Western democracy apostates.
I know for a fact from first hand and/or second hand quite a number of these folks having zero interest in Chinese Olympians, astronauts and scientists, or for that matter, any impressive infrastructure wonders in China while they constantly sing praises of Western democracies and the phony PR image of US politicians such as Gary Locke, Bill Clinton and Obama. This jives well with my own observation of Chinese-hating gweilos in my boyhood, sport-loving days.
Chinese was a doormat of the British in Hong Kong during the colonial days. But who would trample on poor exploited folks even when they were poor and downtrodden? Here is an outstanding example.
Hong Kong soccer was, and still is, notoriously uncompetitive. Visiting European soccer teams would have little trouble beating the colonys Chinese all-star team by ridiculously scores like 7-1 or 5-0. As schoolboys, we watched with despair and cheered our Chinese team to no avail. But then I also noticed an interesting thing. Those British gweilos in the stadium would cheer Swedish, Yugoslavia and all white teams against us. Looking back, I cant help thinking this is purely racist behavior.
I dont watch much Olympics these days. But I found myself inwardly rooting most heartily for the great American woman gymnast team,  Ye Shiwen and the Chinese man, whose name I cant recall at the moment, the 400m free style gold medal winner the last few nights. The reason for my emotion is simple enough. Hong Kong and America are now home to me.
Do you think those SCMP gweilos who insist on manufacturing stories about Li Wang Yang or those demonstrating against China in Hong Kong streets at the drop of a hat having similar sentiment to their present domicile as mine? Fat chance!
Resentment and Schadenfreude of anything Chinese are what drive these dissidents.

2 則留言:

  1. 在主流媒體橫行霸道的時候,的確需要讓人聽到另一種聲音,看到另一種觀點,沉默的永遠是大多數,這就更應該要做,即使空間這樣少,力量這樣微薄,請呼籲大家多些轉載。

    1. 多謝你誠懇的呼籲。

      當中反華者,不少更是中國人(當然包括也很給力的中國香港人)。中國人口多,歐盟+美國的人口,才到中國的一半。於是,中國人中縱然只得1%是自踩一族(Self hate chinese)或1%人被滲透收買為打手,已足以令情況相當惡劣。
