2012年6月7日 星期四



第二,他誇張說坦克同時故意壓死很多人,當時是平暴,坦克不會慢條斯理只走路中央,坦克會撞倒壓倒一些人,死人是有的,但從救援他時拍的照片看没有一片片的屍體;否則,拍照的外國記者那會放過這鏡頭?!那是暴力衝突, 軍隊武器當然有殺傷力,群眾也不是好像香港和大陸文人、記者、評論員等浪漫化想像中和美化描繪下的善男信女,愛好和平,很多軍車(甚至是裝甲車!也可反證非要用上重武器如坦克不可)被燒毀,軍人也有被殺的,我看過多張照片,有好幾個軍人被燒屍後,肚被刺破腸子挂在外,然後吊在立交橋示眾。軍人跟天安門母親的兒女同樣是青年人,母親同樣在家裡等著,而有一點不同的是,軍人多是農家子弟,很窮,念不上高校大學,比不上天安門母親的兒女高貴。殉職後母親只有微薄的撫恤金。
正義香港人」不容別人質疑,理直氣壯的說他們「見證了」六四, 實情是他們沒有見證過的事實更多 。

There was also a news clip that was widely shown in US and European TV during Tiananmen incident. A man stood in front of an advancing tank. The tank commander tried to zigzag around him and did him no harm. But this is not something Western media want to dwell on.
This 方 政 asshole may be telling the truth. But he was on Chang An Road with the other rioters, 刁民, who earlier during the day had killed some PLA soldiers.
Quelling June 4, 1989 riot, as your friend pointed out here, was never directed against the students. But killing students have the highest propaganda value for the Western media, that's why this Tiananmen issue is being kept alive. Perhaps China should reveal by now the events and the internal political disputes that led to this tragedy. Regardless of deliberate lies perpetuated in Western and Hong Kong media, absolutely and positively no killing occurred at Tiananmen Square. Just a few days before June 4, I saw TV clips of soldiers fraternalizing with students at the Square.
Have the media shown any sympathy to those Chinese soldiers, who were killed by the mob while initially carrying no weapons and whose bodies were mutilated?
Our authoritarian government's sensitivity must be measured against the practice of the West, in particular the behavior of the US, the hegemon of Western democracies.
During the Kent State massacre in Ohio on May 4, 1970, US National Guards shot unarmed students over 100 meters away. That's how jittery US soldiers could feel in riot situations even though their personal safety is not the issue. Chinese soldiers' behavior during this tragedy is indeed exemplary. Numerologists may also try to make hay out of May 4, which was also an important event of student rebellion in 1919.
The US fabricated the casus belli in August 1964 to justify its attack on Vietnam. It claimed that Vietnamese torpedos attacked the US warships. Of course nothing like that ever happened. USS Maddox was the ship that attacked Vietnamese Navy, and USS Turner Joy's radar system wasn't even functioning when it ostensibly reported an attack by torpedo boats. For almost 5 decades, Pentagon refused to release this "classified" information. And what about 1882 Chinese Exclusion ActHas the US government admitted to and apologized for its racism or made reparations to those Chinese Americans after 130 years 
If the virtuous paradigm of democracy and freedom, the upholder of Western "universal values," could act so arrogantly and callously, what should be the reasonable expectation for an authoritarian government still working hard at it to bring her people up to the middle-income level among the community of nations?

