2011年12月4日 星期日

UC Davis 胡椒噴霧事件 的驚人真相

關於加大戴維斯分校(UC Davis胡椒噴霧事件
UC Davis Pepper Spray - What Really Happened
用了胡椒噴霧後,警員才在他們「you can go」的叫喊下得以脫身,警察有點似落荒而逃──學生,在事件中絕非弱者,而且多次喊出扭曲真相的口號。
Timasu 2011-11-28 上傳
Here is the same video with no commentary after the intro http://youtu.be/yjXcaoEAkq4?hd=1 This video shows the events leading up to the use of pepper spray by UC Davis police officers. Occupy protesters and the media have sensationalized this story by only showing short clips of the officers spraying the students with pepper spray. This video shows in chronological order how the protesters trapped the police and demanded the release of those they had arrested before they would be allowed to leave.
【批注: 在網上驚見一段關於加大戴維斯分校(UC Davis)胡椒噴霧事件的足版短片看後震驚,原來事實真相竟是如此!美國媒體有問題,校方沒人說明當天詳情也是問題,警察──甚至是把胡椒噴霧射向學生的那警員──無奈又無辜。


1.    首先,警員經多番警告後清理帳篷,拘捕了一些學生,他們被扣上膠索坐在地上。
2.    然後大群學生包圍警員,要求放人之餘,不讓警員離開。學生的喊叫內容頗為囂張,說:「你放人我就放你走;如果你們放人,我們便繼續和平示威。」言下之意是你不放人,便可以不和平?!喊話有理由被視為威脅。
3.   把警警包圍後,又用粗口大聲叫罵警員……問題是,不時會聽到在場學生的大笑聲!!一點也不似是「感危險」下的「弱者的反抗」。他們反而是「信心滿滿」,形勢由他們控制的強者。整個反清拆、圍警員的示威行為態度頗不認真。有點娛樂娛樂的輕鬆,甚至拿警察開玩笑(用照相機拍警員)。(10:24坐地上的傳出開玩笑的笑聲)
4.    期間警員逐一向阻在道上的學生勸告,要他們走,他們不走。然後警員大動作地作勢要噴胡椒噴霧(片中的12:00即是擾攘了很久之後),但學生仍然不退走……是這之後才動真格。
5.    值得注意的是:被圍在圈內的警察看來拿的是警棍,不是槍,更沒有警員要作開槍狀──可是,學生們煽動性地大叫「不要向學生(孩子children)開槍」!!
6.    在警察用了胡椒噴霧後,學生封鎖線才告破開。但現場大群學生仍器張地喊叫,現在「你們可以走了,我們不會追你。」是「批准」警察離去。而成群警察,是如敗兵般撤離。一點都看不警察「凶狠」、使用暴力。

真相令人反思──(1)學生懂得叫出與真相不同的、「扮被打壓、甚至可能被shooting」的口號。為何「作假誇大」、連基本誠信也沒有此點,成了近來幾起80後、90後示威抗爭的通病?! 這些,是學運,還是一場媒體show
(2)在真相中呈現的學生,是一群濫用民主、行民主暴力、態度輕佻的幼稚青年。 (3) 美國的所謂佔領運動,究竟有多大的意義,以及會得到社會的多少認同?有朋友說,假如佔領行動搞得有聲有色、成熟、漸有思想深度……等等,再亂也反而表示美國有救,因為反思的力量已出現。然而,情況看來朝相反方向發展。

Movement is outside nation's mainstream
4:46 p.m. EST, December 3, 2011

The media have gone to great lengths to convince us that Occupy Wall Street protesters are just like the rest of us. One columnist, for example, tells us they've "struck a nerve" with the American people. But the only thing Occupy Wall Street has struck is America's gag reflex. The movement is decidedly outside the mainstream.

Challenge Occupy Wall Street protesters to some Jeff Foxworthy-style tests and see for yourself.

You might not be the 99 percent if, for example, you defecate in places other than toilets. One New York Occupy Wall Street protester was caught on camera using a police car as a Porta-John while police have repeatedly been forced to issue warnings against public urination and defecation to protesters in Los Angeles.

Or you might not be the 99 percent, if you take time off your job to protest that you have no job. One of the principal demands of Occupy Wall Street protesters has been for jobs. Yet, according to former Bill Clinton pollster Doug Schoen, 85 percent of the Occupy protesters in New York's Zuccotti Park are currently employed.

And you probably aren't among the 99 percent if you blame Republicans alone for enriching Wall Street, banks and powerful corporations at the expense of everyone else. Both parties have done so and most Americans understand that. Even so, Democrats appear to be more culpable in recent years than Republicans.

Fifty-four percent of House Republicans voted against final passage of the Trouble Asset Relief Program legislation in 2008, while just 27 percent of Democrats voted against it. The following January, all but two Republicans in the House and all but six in the Senate voted to block $350 billion in TARP spending. That effort failed thanks to the nearly unified, pro-TARP opposition of Democrats.

Republicans also voted en masse against the $787 billion stimulus package that's provided billions of dollars to such "start-up" companies as General Electric. Not a single Republican House member and only three Republican senators voted for the legislation.

Nor might you be in the 99 percent, if you believe civil disobedience and violence are legitimate forms of political expression. According to pollster Schoen, 98 percent of those participating in the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York believe civil disobedience is an appropriate means of achieving their objectives and an astounding 31 percent support the use of violence.

You might not be the 99 percent, if you can't tell the difference between exposing people to your views and exposing yourself. Occupy Wall Street in Madison, Wis., was reportedly denied renewal of its demonstration permit due to public um, let's call it "self-gratification." And reports of public sex at the New York protest have been rampant.

And you undoubtedly are not in the 99 percent if you blame minorities for the nation's problems. At the Occupy Wall Street protest in Zuccotti Park, one man carried a sign reading "Zionists Control Wall Street." At a similar rally in Los Angeles, occupier Patricia McAllister told Reason TV, "The Zionist Jews who are running these big banks and our Federal Reserve need to be run out of this country."

And the New York Post reports that the American Nazi Party recently broke with its "rule against standing beside Communists" urging its members in the "pro-white" movement to join the Occupy Wall Streeters' fight against the common enemy: "Judeo-capitalist banksters."

In fact, unless you're a sex-mad, anti-social, anti-Semitic exhibitionist with an appreciation for law-breaking, Occupy Wall Street is unlikely to be your cup of tea.

David A. Ridenour is president of the conservative National Center for Public Policy Research in Washington, D.C.

