2010年9月22日 星期三

拜登 與 美日協會--中美關係不能繞過日本


【按:這個所謂的「美日協會(US-Japan Council)」成立於2009年(見網頁內有簡介:http://www.usjapancouncil.org/about)──即是美國外交政策焦點轉移為「重回亞洲」之後。

美國改變外交政策,日本是馬前卒、是「哥兒倆」──而「美日協會(US-Japan Council)」這種組織,便於此時成立──世界局勢、美國部署之轉變,可從這些小事上反映。






Monday, September 20, 2010 梁建鋒 「總編會客室」

  前一周在星島中文電台的《總編輯時間》裡談到欲理解新一輪中日釣魚台糾紛,需注意美國宣告「重返亞洲」的實質意義。有兩位聽眾很不以為然,指責這是妖魔化美國的言論。本周一,日本宣佈繼續扣押中國船長;數小時之後,在太平洋的另一岸,美國副總統拜登在美日協會(US-Japan Council)上演講說,正確的美中關係,必須透過日本而達致。拜登曾任國會參議院外交關係委員會主席,也是奧巴馬內閣中最熟悉外交事務的官員,由他以副總統身分評論美中日關係,不能不予以重視。

  拜登說:「we have to get right between the United States and China... frankly, I don't know how that relationship can be made right other than going through Tokyo(我們需要正確處理美中關係…坦白說,我不知道如非透過日本,這關係怎能夠是正確的)」解讀拜登發言的主旨,實實在在的表明美國是在「利用」日本。而基於雙重利益關係,既能牽制中國又討好美國,日本當然甘於擔當這關鍵角色。





Biden: US-China ties must go through Tokyo

(AFP) – 8 hours ago

WASHINGTON — US Vice President Joe Biden said Monday that American efforts to improve ties with China must "go through Tokyo" in a warm message to key US ally Japan as it faces rising tensions with Beijing.

Three days before US President Barack Obama is set to meet Prime Minister Naoto Kan in New York, Biden stressed the fundamental nature of relations with Japan in US Asia-Pacific policy.

"There is an emerging relationship that we have to get right between the United States and China... frankly, I don't know how that relationship can be made right other than going through Tokyo," Biden said.

"I don't know how it works without our partner in that part of the world."

Biden told the US-Japan Council's annual conference here that Tokyo was crucial to solving the crisis on the Korean peninsula, other regional security issues and social and political challenges.

"It seems to be that we sometimes of late have been too quick to focus on one relationship which is critically important," he said, referring to China, though arguing that Obama's outreach to Beijing had been making progress.

At the same time, Biden said the American people also had to understand that relations with Japan were the "linchpin" of what Washington could get done in the region.

Earlier Monday, Japan said it regretted China's decision to suspend high-level exchanges over Tokyo's arrest of a Chinese boat captain in disputed waters, urging Beijing not to let the spat ruin their relationship.

Beijing on Sunday had threatened "strong counter-measures" after Japan extended the detention of the boat captain accused of intentionally ramming his trawler into two Japanese patrol vessels in the East China Sea.

Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg said that the flare-up was "unfortunate" in light of efforts between China and Japan to repair relations in recent years.

"Good relations between China and Japan are in our interest. It's in the interest of everybody else in the region," Steinberg said.

"The important thing is to sustain dialogue and to recognize that when you have complex situations like this, that engagement is the best way to move forward," Steinberg said at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Japan seized the captain near an island chain claimed by both countries as well as Taiwan -- an area with rich fishing grounds as well as possible oil and gas deposits.

Obama is due to meet Kan on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday, on a day when he is also due to meet Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.

The United States stations nearly 50,000 troops in Japan, which it is obliged to defend under a security treaty.

